
My name is Yannik. I went to "Université de Moncton" and I graduated in Social Work. I started a Law degree but after two years, I took a break. As a Christian, I don't consider myself an expert but I did study it in order to be able and feel comfortable to defend it. About my knowledge in Islam, the first time I heard about the religion of Islam, it was (probably like many others) on the event of September the 11th, 2001. On that day, when I turn on the television, it was already on the news station and I was in shocked when I saw these planes hit the twin tower in New-York. At that time, I was not a believer in Christ.

Not too long after these terror attacks, in 2003, I had a bad motorcycle accident, as a result from the crash, I broke my neck at C5-C6 vertebrae which it completely severed my spinal cord that left me Quadriplegic, paralyzed from the neck down. At first, I was depressed and I was also fighting for my life from the medical complication. For many years, I was really miserable after my accident because of the loss of my mobility and all the obstacles I was facing until one day, I met a Christian that talked to me about the Lord Jesus Christ and what he had done for me so I decided to submitted myself completely to him and trust him. I soon felt all my sadness and my severe post-traumatic stress syndrome left me and I've been joyful ever since and I'm still rejoicing in my salvation.
I was a new born Christian and I was worshipping the Lord. One day, I saw an article about a radical Muslim suicide bomber that went in front of a Jewish kindergarten in Israel and blew himself killing children and adults. From that moment, I became curious about Islam, specially when I heard several claims like: the teachings in the Qur’an were commanding Muslims to commit these horrible crimes by carrying terror attacks or a holy war (Jihad) against unbelievers in the name of their God. I've seen and witness the violence and persecuting towards Christians by Muslims in Egypt, Nigeria, Kenya, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Afghanistan. These few countries are just a sample, there are many more conflicts in other countries around the world.
The vision of this blog is to provide educational resources and informations for the defense of the Christian faith. The two main goals: The first one is to strengthen the faith of believers and engaging the questions, reflections and challenges of other worldviews”. The second goal is to expose the lies of Islam in order to bring the truth to Muslims so they can be out of this darkness and be set free.
I dedicated this blog to the glory of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and the promotion and defense of the Christian Gospel, Doctrine, and Theology. I will also analyze the religion of Islam (Qur'an and Hadeeth) and compare it to Christianity (Bible: Old Testament and New Testament). In all the analyses, I will use logical facts, Islamic trusted sources (mainly the Koran and Hadith)  and evidences to expose Islam, defend Christianity and promote the truth of the Bible which is the inspired word of God.

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